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Reproductive Partners IUI Costs

Reproductive Partners IUI Costs

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">Laura</span>

    I’m looking for a clinic that performs IUI at a reasonable price. I’m from San Diego and currently looking at the profile of reproductive partners fertility center. Sadly, they don’t indicate any costs on their website. Can someone please tell me how much a cycle of IUI will cost me?

    06/22/2020 at 12:10 pm
  2. Hi Laura,

    the costs of artificial insemination are usually situated between $300 and $1,000 in the U.S. depending on the fertility clinic and your insurance coverage. Keep in mind that since fertility medications are not included, the final costs are even higher. Clomid or letrozole, for example, is the most administered drug and costs approximately $100 for each intent.

    For this reason, it is hard to make an exact prediction on how much the fertility treatment will cost and this is why the fertility clinics will usually discuss the costs with their patients during the first consultation.

    Hope this helps,

    Best regards

    07/22/2020 at 5:22 pm
  3. I need help. We’ve been struggling with pregnancy for two years. My husband had a semen analysis and the results were devastating since he doesn’t have any sperm in his ejaculate. We are so shocked. How can we get pregnant if there’s no sperm in the first place?

    We know that there is the option of sperm donation, but my husband is against having a child that’s not biologically related to him. So this one and the only option is definitely excluded for us. I’m at a loss.

    07/23/2020 at 1:26 pm
    • Hi Winter,

      first of all, I’m very sorry about your negative results. I imagine how bad this must be for the two of you. However, it is important now to stay calm and positive.

      Concluding from your story, your husband presents azoospermia, the medical term for zero sperm count in a semen analysis. The good news is, that depending on the type of azoospermia, there is not necessarily the need for sperm donation.

      Depending on the cause, azoospermia can be divided into obstructive and non-secretory azoospermia. The obstructive form allows for the sperm to be collected with a testicular biopsy which is used in IVF/ICSI. However, in secretory azoospermia, retrieving sperm is more difficult and a sperm donation would be necessary. Read more here: Conceiving with azoospermia.

      Since I don’t know the exact results, I’m unable to indicate a suitable fertility treatment. I recommend you schedule an appointment at a fertility center and discuss your options with a specialist. If you’re looking for a fertility center near you, I invite you to have a look at our clinic directory.

      Last but not least you can also access our fertility report. This tool is free of charge and helps you determine which treatment you will need, what it will cost you and clinics in your preferred area. Besides, you’ll get useful tips for your first clinic visit. Here is the link: fertility report.

      Hope this helps,

      all the best

      07/23/2020 at 1:36 pm