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Surrogacy at Lagone Fertility Center

Surrogacy at Lagone Fertility Center

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">Andrewpop</span>

    Hi! We are a gay couple who have been married for a few years and now we want to start looking for a baby. We don’t know the options very well but I know we have to resort to surrogacy. I would like some information to know where we have to start. Thanks!

    02/25/2022 at 9:53 am
  2. Hi! My husband and I used surrogacy a couple of years ago and even though it was a very complicated journey we are now parents of wonderful twins.
    Well, if I had to start again, as a piece of advice I would recommend contacting an agency specialized in surrogacy to help you through the whole process.

    Best of luck!

    03/01/2022 at 9:58 pm
  3. Hi Andrewpop,

    Surrogacy is a complex process with many connotations both legal and organizational. It is important to keep in mind that not all states allow it and most insurances do not cover the process.

    I recommend you to read the following article: Surrogacy. I also leave you our Clinic Directory where you can see the clinics that offer surrogacy in your area and make an informed decision on which one to choose.

    I hope everything is going well

    03/03/2022 at 6:02 pm