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Too many follicles, risk of multiple births and IUI canceled

Too many follicles, risk of multiple births and IUI canceled

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">Greetings</span>

    Please Doc, can you help me out? I’m terribly disappointed… My partner and I need donor sperm for an IUI to become mothers and we had already started the cycle but all of a sudden it has been canceled. In our first U/S, we could see clearly 2 follicles (day 6 of ovulation induction). Next U/S was on day 8 and I had 7 mature follicles. Which is the right amount of follicles for IUI? Doc said there was risk of having a multiple birth so this is the reason why our cycle was canceled. We wouldn’t mind having twins, or this is because we could’ve triplets or even more and that’s why it has been cancelled? TIA

    03/27/2016 at 8:58 am
  2. Hi Greetings,

    during ovulation induction for artificial insemination or intrauterine insemination (IUI), not more than 1 or 2 follicles have to be mature for finishing the cycle. This is the reason why only a mild stimulation of the ovaries is required.

    If more than 2 follicles mature, there’s the risk of having a multiple birth. This, if you produced 7 follicles, it means that there was risk of having a multiple birth, even with septuplets (7 babies). This is because a baby can develop from each fertilized egg.

    Multiple births, even if it were a twin pregnancy, involves a serious risk both for the pregnant woman and the babies. This is the reason why the main goal is to achieve a single pregnancy.

    I hope I have been able to help,


    04/06/2016 at 8:28 am