Certified Medical Magazine by WMA, ACSA, AACI
Next Fertility Sevilla

Next Fertility Sevilla

2 comments / opinions
    1. Hi, I have had a first consultation at Next Fertility Sevilla but I didn’t know that it had been called by many other names before. This gives me food for thought. I really liked it here and they looked after me well in English. I do want to have a look at other clinics in Seville before making my choice though. Anyone got any experience?

      • Hi Izzy1_1,

        There are many aspects to take into account when you visit a fertility clinic before making the final decision. But the most important thing is to have full confidence in them and assess your feelings in the clinic visited.

        If you are looking for other clinics where to make a first visit, I invite you to access the directory of clinics in Seville. This way you can get an idea of each of the assisted reproduction centers, know the medical team, evaluate their success rates, see the location, etc. Here is the link: Analysis of assisted reproduction clinics in Seville

        I hope this is helpful. All the best!