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Step by step of a planned caesarean section

Step by step of a planned caesarean section

For a planned caesarean section, the woman usually receives an epidural anaesthetic. For this reason, the woman will be conscious during the birth of her baby. It is even possible for a companion to enter the operating theatre.

The process of a planned caesarean section generally involves the following steps:

  • Monitoring and placing the IV in the pregnant woman.
  • Shave the pubic hair and disinfect the abdomen.
  • Install a waist-level drape so that the pregnant woman cannot see her abdomen during the operation.
  • Make an abdominal incision.
  • Separate the abdominal muscles.
  • Make a uterine incision.
  • Remove the baby.
  • Remove the placenta.
  • Suture.

One of the main differences between a planned caesarean section and an emergency caesarean section is that the latter is usually performed under general anaesthesia.

By (gynecologist), (embryologist) and (embryologist).
Last Update: 07/26/2023