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How many controls are performed during ovarian stimulation?

By Marina González Tejedor M. D. (gynecologist).
Last Update: 08/19/2022

The number of controls to be performed is variable, although the most usual is to perform between two and three controls throughout the stimulation. The first control is usually performed after 4-5 days of medication and from then on the controls are scheduled every 48-72 hours until we have follicles between 18-20 mm, which would be the optimal time to make the ovulation discharge and schedule the puncture.

 Marina  González Tejedor
Marina González Tejedor
M. D.
Dr. Marina González studied Medicine and Surgery at the University of Valladolid, where she also completed her MIR. Currently, Dr. González is the head of the URA QuirónSalud Ginemed Bilbao.
Colleague number: 484810377
Gynecologist. Dr. Marina González studied Medicine and Surgery at the University of Valladolid, where she also completed her MIR. Currently, Dr. González is the head of the URA QuirónSalud Ginemed Bilbao. Colleague number: 484810377.