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What are my chances of getting pregnant with IUI if I have PCOS?

By Carmen Ochoa Marieta M.D., Ph.D., M.Sc. (gynecologist).
Last Update: 12/17/2018

The success rates of Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) depend on the type of insemination (by husband or by donor), the age of the woman, and the problem she has. On average, success rates range from 14% to 20% per cycle.

Read the full article on: What Is PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome? ( 90).
 Carmen Ochoa Marieta
Carmen Ochoa Marieta
M.D., Ph.D., M.Sc.
Bachelor's Degree in Medicine from the Basque Country University. PhD in Medicine & Surgery from the University of Murcia. Currently, she is the director of the Assisted Reproduction Unit of Centro de Estudios para la Reproducción (CER SANTANDER) in Santander, Spain, as well as the director of the Diagnostic Unit of Human Assisted Reproduction in Bilbao.
License: 484805626
Gynecologist. Bachelor's Degree in Medicine from the Basque Country University. PhD in Medicine & Surgery from the University of Murcia. Currently, she is the director of the Assisted Reproduction Unit of Centro de Estudios para la Reproducción (CER SANTANDER) in Santander, Spain, as well as the director of the Diagnostic Unit of Human Assisted Reproduction in Bilbao. License: 484805626.