Certified Medical Magazine by WMA, ACSA, HON
What Are a Woman’s Chances of Conceiving with PCOS?

Carmen Ochoa Marieta M.D., Ph.D., M.Sc.

 Carmen Ochoa Marieta M.D., Ph.D., M.Sc.
License: 484805626

Educational background

  • Master's Degree in Medical & Clinical Management from the UNED and the Escuela Nacional de Sanidad del Instituto de Salud Carlos III (2013)
  • ASEBIR Certification in Human Assisted Reproduction. Clinical Embryology. (2010).
  • European Embryology Certification: Senior Clinical Embryologist. By ESHRE (2008).
  • Qualification of specialist in Human Assisted Reproduction (2003).
  • European Professional authorization (1994) (MSPSeI)
  • PhD in Medicine & Surgery from the University of Murcia (1988)
  • Bachelor's Degree in Medicine & Surgery from the Basque Country University (UPV) (1983)

Professional experience

  • Director of Assisted Reproduction Unit of Centro de Estudios para la Reproducción (CER SANTANDER) in Santander and Director of the Diagnostic Unit of Human Assisted Reproduction in Bilbao (present).
  • Director of Andrology & Human Reproduction lab at Euskalduna Clinic of Bilbao (1986-2008)
  • Director of Clinical Embryology Lab at Hospital de Cruces (Vizcaya) (1983-1986)

Honors and awards

  • FIRST BIRTH at a State Hospital and second in Spain after using In Vitro Fertilization with Embryo Transfer (9 July, 1985).
  • EUROPE'S FIRST BIRTH after using Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer technique (13 October 1985).
  • Spain's first case of ICSI using sperm collected post-mortem (2001).

Scientific community involvement

  • Member of the Expert Committee consulted by the Miembro del comité de expertos consultado por la parliamentary commission, chaired by Mr. Marcelo Palacios, for the development of the Law 35/88 on Human Assisted Reproduction Techniques (years 1985-86) (First European Law on Human Assisted Reproduction).
  • Co-author of specialty program in "Clinical Embryology", presented by the Ministry of Health, Social Policy and Equality (MSCyPSeI).
  • Co-author of book for specialists-to-be leading to the Certificate of Human Assisted Reproduction. Clinical Embryology.
  • Vice-president of ASEBIR (Asociación para el Estudio de la Biología de la Reproducción).
  • Teacher of University Master's Degree in Biology and Technology of Reproduction, organized by the University of Oviedo.
  • President of the Certification & Specialities Commission in the field of Human Reproduction at ASEBIR
  • Co-representative of ASEBIR at meetings with the Ministry of Health, Social Policy and Equality (MSCyPSeI) to support the creation of a specialty in "Assisted Reproduction and Clinical Embryology"
  • Research works as main researcher and associate professor at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
  • Participation in tribunals of research internships and doctoral theses
  • Publication of scientific publications and participation in books
  • Academician of the Real Academia de Ciencias Médicas de Vizcaya since 1983.
  • Member of the Spanish Fertility Society (SEF), ASEBIR, Spanish Andrology Society (ASESA) and the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE).

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Last Update: 08/01/2018