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Differences between infertility and sterility in women

Differences between infertility and sterility in women

The terms sterility and female infertility do not have the same meaning, although they are usually used as synonyms. The main reason for this is that in both cases pregnancy is not achieved.

In situations of sterility, the union between the egg and the sperm (fertilization) does not occur. In female sterility, fertilization will not occur due to problems in the eggs.

In contrast, in cases of infertility, fertilization occurs correctly. However, the development of the embryo is not adequate, which causes implantation failure in the uterus and miscarriages. Therefore, if there is female infertility, gestation will not be achieved.

When a woman or couple has been having sexual intercourse for more than a year without success, it is the ideal time to visit a fertility specialist to study the possible cause of infertility or sterility.

By (gynecologist), (gynecologist), (embryologist), (gynecologist), (embryologist) and (biochemist).
Last Update: 10/07/2022