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Astheno teratozoospermia treatment and pregnancy rate

Astheno teratozoospermia treatment and pregnancy rate

  1. RBK12

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    Would you be so kind as to help me understand results of my semen analysis and suggest me what to do next.

    I am 35 years old, and my wife 31 years old.
    We do not have children. We are married for 2 years, and have been trying to concieve for appx. 10 months.

    I took a semen analysis on 16 April 2018.
    Time of ejaculation- 11.45 am
    Time of analysis at 12.45 that same day.
    Apstinance day: 5-6
    Liquefaction: 30-60 minutes
    Viscosity: enhanced
    Colour: normal
    Volume (ml): 2.5
    Chamber for counting: Makler chamber
    Number of spermatozoids per ejaculate (10/6): 47
    Concentration of spermatozoa (10/6 ml): 19
    Number of motile sperm (10/6 ml): 7
    – Number of motile sperm (PR + NP; %): 37
    – Number of progressive motile (PR; %): 21
    – Number of non-progressive motile (NP; %): 16
    – Number of immotile (IM; %): 63
    Vitality (%): >58
    Morphology (normal form; %): 3

    What are my options/course of action?

    Thank you very much for your reply.



    04/17/2018 at 10:45 am
  2. Dear rbk12,

    After assessing your semen analysis report, these are my conclusions:

    Volume: normal (above 1.5 ml)
    Morphology: less than 4% (severe teratoozospermia)
    Motility: less than 40% are able to swim, and the number of progressive motile is less than 21% (asthenozoospermia)
    Vitality: above 58% (normal)

    So, with severe teratozoospermia and asthenozoospermia (asthenoteratozoospermia), you need IVF with ICSI to conceive a baby. If no pregnancy was achieved with this fertility treatment, you should consider sperm donation to have children.

    My advice is that you visit our IVF Cost Calculator to get special prices and cost estimates from different fertility clinics.

    Also, the following posts may be of interest:
    What Is ICSI or Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection?
    What Is Teratozoospermia? – Causes, Pregnancy Rate & Treatment
    What Is Asthenozoospermia? – Causes & Treatment Options

    I hope I have been able to help,

    Kind regards

    04/17/2018 at 5:54 pm
  3. Dear Sandra,

    Thank you for your reply.

    As this is the first time I have done semen analysis, and I have been under a lot of stress last couple of months, smoking heavily as a consequence of the said stress, and drinking (moderately), is there a chance that this is a reason for this kind of results? Should I do another analysis and when should I do it – how long should I wait before another analysis? Is there something I should use in the meantime to help improve results.

    I have stopped smoking and drinking altogether, and started with protein based diet.

    So, should I try something to improve my results in the next couple of months, or is IVF with ICSI only solution for us and we should not wait any longer?

    Kind regards.

    04/18/2018 at 12:33 pm
    • Hello again rbk12,

      All men with a sperm disorder should start a healthy lifestyle as soon as possible to improve the quality of their sperm. However, I’m afraid that natural remedies won’t work in cases of severe teratozoospermia. So yes, chances are that the only possibility for you is to undergo IVF with ICSI.

      Talk with your doctor for further advice on what’s next. Have you already tried our Cost Calculator? It may be very helpful for you to find a fertility clinic.

      I hope this helps,

      Best wishes

      04/18/2018 at 12:41 pm
  4. Hi dear,

    I was diagnosed with asthenoteratozoospermia and my wife has low amh levels. Should we start with IVF/ICSI or would you recommend egg donation?

    03/05/2020 at 6:45 pm
    • Hello Peekaboo,

      first of all, it depends on how low her AMH levels are and how hold your wife is. Women with levels below 0.5 ng/ml still have reasonable chances of getting pregnant, but the prognosis can worsen drastically when she’s of advanced age.

      In women with advanced ages we recommend egg donation. This treatment consists of a normal IVF procedure but with eggs from a young and healthy donor. In your case specifically, as you suffer from asthenoteratozoospermia, we would recommend IVF combined with sperm and egg donation.
      For more information about this treatment, we suggest you read the following post: IVF with egg and sperm donation- how does it work?

      If you’re looking for a fertility clinic, we recommend you to have a look at our fertility report. This tool helps you determine which fertility clinic suits you best according to your fertility diagnosis, location and disposable budget.

      For more question, do not hesitate do ask us.

      All the best

      03/16/2020 at 8:48 am