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Can I conceive naturally with severe teratozoospermia?

Can I conceive naturally with severe teratozoospermia?

  1. Contra

    Viscosity: Normal
    PH: 8.0
    Abstinence: 2 Days
    Density: 72 mil/ml
    Volume: 3.9ml
    Total Sperm Count: 280m

    Motility: 55%
    Grade A: 4%
    Grade B: 36%
    Grade C: 15%
    Grade D: 45%

    Normal sperm: 3.75%
    Abnormal sperm: 96.25%

    Can I conceive naturally with these numbers? need help!

    06/25/2018 at 4:07 pm
  2. Hello contra,

    Well, your results are good except for morphology, which is below 5%. According to the criteria established by the World Health Organization (WHO), a man has severe teratozoospermia when less than 5% of sperm is normal.

    Teratozoospermia or teratospermia is a sperm disorder that is defined as having abnormal sperm morphology. The ideal treatment for severe teratozoospermia is In Vitro Fertilization with ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection). You can get special prices here: View Promotions for In Vitro Fertilization / ICSI.

    I hope this helps,


    06/26/2018 at 9:03 am
  3. Doctor; can I conceive naturally? My semen report is as follows.
    Volume 4ml
    Liquification time 30 minutes
    Sperm count 27m/ml
    Active 30%
    Sluggish 45%
    Immotile 25%
    Normal formed 60%
    PH 8.5

    06/27/2018 at 7:37 am