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Is it possible to become an egg donor while nursing?

Is it possible to become an egg donor while nursing?

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">rebecca staley</span>
    rebecca staley

    Hello, I want to donate my eggs. I’m 22 and I’ve just given birth to my beautiful baby, which means I’m a fertile woman. Since I’m currently breast feeding my baby, I’d like to know whether is it possible to still be an egg donor despite nursing, or if it would be a problem and I won’t be accepted. Please, help me.

    11/19/2015 at 10:13 am
  2. Dear rebecca,

    I’m afraid breastfeeding is not incompatible with the treatment you have to follow to become an egg donor. Once you qualify as a donor, you have a take hormone medications to trigger egg production, therefore producin a great amount of eggs in a single menstrual cycle. Provided that hormones also affect breast milk production, fertility drugs may affect negatively.

    Besides, medications may have an impact on the baby, since they can be passed to the baby through breast milk.

    In case you meet all the requirements established to become an egg donor, you should wait until your baby stops breast feeding get started in the egg donation process.

    Hope I have been of help

    11/25/2015 at 11:15 am