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Recurrent Miscarriage after Donor-egg IVF

Recurrent Miscarriage after Donor-egg IVF

  1. Dara


    My name is Dara, I’m 32 years old, with ovarian failure, so my only chance to become a mom is Donor egg IVF.

    Untill today we had 2 attempts with a clinic in Czech Republic both with BFP, but after first DIVF (february 2017) the pregnancy stoped at 7 weeks, and the last one, (april 2018) ended with a miscarrage after a great Beta HCG. First time we put one embryo, second time 2 embies. Every time first quality.

    As I am heterozigote in MTHFR C677T and A 1298 C, and have PAI gene, 675 4G/5G, so I was under Clexane 0,4, Predinsolone 5 mg and baby aspirin. So, we took all the measures to avoid a miscarriage.

    My husband has a Teratospermia, but we used ICSI, so I think this is not a big problem.

    My question is: should we try again? What else can we do? I’m thinking maybe we should try with donated embryons?

    Thank you,

    04/18/2018 at 8:59 pm
  2. Dear dara,

    Repeated implantation failure may be due to several causes aside from egg quality. Keeping in mind your particular situation, yours may be a case of reduced endometrial receptivity, or it might be due to systemic causes like blood clotting disorders or immunological disorders.

    Since this was your second attempt with donor eggs, maybe you should consider using a surrogate to have a child. Surrogacy is used as a last resort when implantation failure is due to unexplained causes and egg donation fails.

    Visit the following thread to read more: Miscarriage rates using donor eggs in IVF.

    To get further info about surrogacy, learn about your options and prices, I recommend that you use the following tool: Surrogacy Cost Calculator.

    These articles may interest you:
    What Is Surrogacy & How Does It Work? – Everything You Should Know.
    Repeated Implantation Failure – Reasons Why Embryos Don’t Implant.

    I hope this helps,

    Best wishes

    04/19/2018 at 8:44 am
  3. My dr at BTC repro clinic also explained us that first trimester miscarriages are often caused by problems with the chromosomes of the foetus. Chromosomes are blocks of DNA. They contain a detailed set of instructions that control a wide range of factors, from how the cells of the body develop to what colour eyes a baby will have. Sometimes something can go wrong at the point of conception and the foetus receives too many or not enough chromosomes. The reasons for this are often unclear, but it means the foetus won’t be able to develop normally, resulting in a miscarriage. This is very unlikely to recur. It doesn’t necessarily mean there’s any problem with you or your partner. Also placental problems.

    12/19/2019 at 1:07 pm