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How much does it cost to buy frozen donor eggs in the United States?

How much does it cost to buy frozen donor eggs in the United States?

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">Baby Seeker</span>
    Baby Seeker

    Hey, I’m 28 and have been diagnosed with premature ovarian failure a year ago… Now my partner and I want to have a baby and our reproductive endrocrinologist told us that the only way we could ever achieve so would be either through IVF with egg donation or adoption. We chose adoption last year because we thought the IVF process would be too long and hard to cope with… We spent more than $38,000 on adoption and it didn’t work, so we think we made the wrong choice. That’s why I’m writing here, because we now want to move to IVF with donor eggs but aren’t sure how much does it actually cost. Our insurance covers all tests, medications, etc. but not the procedures… I’m curious to know how much is it here in the US.

    01/21/2016 at 10:26 am
  2. Dear Baby Seeker,

    First of all, it should be clear that egg donation costs vary depending on the clinic or center you choose to undergo the entire treatment, especially in the USA, where regulation governing this treatment are rather lax.

    It also depends on whether you choose a donor through the clinic or through an egg donor agency (i.e. anonymous egg donation), or if you find a local donor (i.e. known egg donation). In the latter case, it will be much less expensive because you don’t have to cover additional expenses such as travel, accommodation, etc.

    In general, the cost of IVF with a donor egg in the United States ranges from $30k $to 65k, but as I said above it depend on the fertility clinic chosen to a great extent. Usually, those whose price is closer to the lower end add later additional expenses separately. You find detailed information on this subject here: Donor egg IVF cost in the USA.

    My advice is that you search for a number of local clinic close to your place and residence and apply for a first consultation to see what they have to offer and what are their conditions for the treatment, etc. This first consultation is normally a free visit and won’t commit you to anything.

    I also recommend you to visit of Clinic Directory to find fertility clinics from the USA.

    Hope this helps,


    01/22/2016 at 9:23 am
    • Hello Sandra,

      I was also diagnosed with POF a few years ago… after some time trying to cope with it we decided to move forward with donor eggs. We chose a clinic which didn’t have an egg donor database, so we had no choice but to choose a donor from different egg donor agencies of our choice. What drew our attention first was that donor compensation frees varied depending on geographical location, which we found quite funny since all in all everything is within the US, but okay, we don’t complain about that.

      We finally chose a donor that wan’t local, something that made our cycle more expensive. In our area, donors were asking for a compensation that reached over $8,000, which is way too much! Finally we found a donor from another US state who accepted a compensation fee of $5,000. We don’t think is is cheap, but at least we save $3,000.

      To sum up, the agency fees included the following: administration fees, donor compensation, psychological screening, donor legal consultation, donor insurance coverage, and travel expenses. The fees for all this were $13,000. To that, we had to add the clinic fee for IVF, which was $11,000, and the cost of the treatment for the egg donor and myself ($3,000). We paid that $3,000 with the amount we saved from choosing a non-local donor, that’s why I recommend you to look for a donor from outside your area!

      The overall cost of our donor-egg IVF cycle was $27,000 more or less. BTW, we did a 2-embryo transfer and we finally got a twin pregnancy 🙂

      01/27/2016 at 9:38 am