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Do ovulation test kits really work?

Do ovulation test kits really work?

  1. DonkeyGirl

    Good afternoon everyone! My name is Sophie and I really want a child. I would not register here, but I just cannot ask anyone about it. Usually, girls talk about their first pregnancy with their mother, but she died more than 5 years ago.
    In brief about myself – I’m 24 years old, recently married a young man with whom I was about 3 years together. We really want children. But I am afraid. I do not know how pregnancy will pass. How will I give birth? Will a healthy baby be? I’m not even sure if I can get pregnant (I do not have any health problems, but everything can happen) I try to read as much literature as possible now on the topic of pregnancy. Articles from well-known doctors, etc. From next month we plan to no longer protect during sex. What advice do you have, how will you prepare for THIS in general? I read the article that you can calculate by the lunar calendar favorable days for pregnancy. And that there are ovulation tests I also read recently. I had not even heard of them before. Do they really work?

    Sorry for the confusion. The main question is how can I prepare for pregnancy and childbirth.

    11/07/2017 at 3:51 pm
  2. Dear Sophie,

    Yes, ovulation kits are approximately 99% accurate if taken correctly. Keep in mind that they work by detecting the LH surge that occurs before ovulation, but they cannot detect if ovulation actually occurs after the LH surge. By “LH” we make reference to the luteinizing hormone, which is always present in your urine.

    Although rarely, it may occur that you experience the surge in the LH but you don’t release an egg (Luteinized Unruptured Follicle Syndrome or LUFS). The LH surge normally occurs 24-48 hours prior to ovulation. It is complicated to use ovulation test kits if you have irregular menstrual periods, though. In such cases, we recommend that you wait until you start to notice the typical cervical mucus that is segregated during ovulation.

    There exists also the so-called “fertility monitors”, which can accurately predict ovulation up to 7 days in advance. Nowadays, you can find fertility monitors in the form of mobile apps. They are easy-to-use tools that can help you track your fertility directly on your iPhone, smartphone, or other compatible devices.

    If you have not ovulated during your testing days, you may have experienced an anovulatory cycle (an egg is not released). It happens at times and does not translate into female fertility if it happens as a one-time event. The best thing to do if that’s your case is to test again in the next cycle. The best time to have intercourse when you are trying to conceive is 3 days immediately after a positive ovulation test.

    The following picture might be helpful: How do ovulation predictor kits (OPKs) work?

    If you have been doing it for several months without success, we recommend that you visit your doctor.

    I hope I have been able to help,


    11/22/2017 at 12:35 pm
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