Hello, I want to do an artificial insemination by donor here in the USA. We are a lesbian couple, and we’ve been reading something about the requirements and all that things. We’ve read something about having tubal patency, but to be honest I’ve never ever heard that term before, so could you kindly clear that for us? I’ve also seen there is a “tubal patency test”, to what extent is it related to donor insemination?
11/24/2015 at 7:10 amHello Miss Harris,
Indeed, one of the requirements to undergo artificial insemination by donor (AID) is having Fallopian tubal patency. This means there has to be no blockage in your Fallopian tubes, preventing the passage of the eggs from the ovaries towards the uterus. In other words, only if you have tubal patency, fertilization can occur and therefore embryo implantation.
For the evaluation of tubal patency, a vaginal sonosalpingography (a.k.a. “Sion test”) in carried out. This diagnostic procedure is commonly knwon as “tubal patency test” and many women ask themselves if it is painful. Let me explain you how it works: a physiologic saline is inserted into the uterine cavity and then the fluid of saline along the tube is analyzed to check for tubal patency. It is not considered to be a painful process, or at least the pain you can feel is not worse than period pain. Besides, some women do not even feel any kind of pain, while others define it as a painful process.
In case the tubal patency assessment showed a negative result and there were blockage of the fallopian tubes, the recommended fertility treatment would be in vitro fertilization (IVF).
If you want to read more on this issue, you can find further information in the following article: Artifiicial insemination.
Hope this helps
12/01/2015 at 4:34 pm
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