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Characteristics of ovarian puncture

Characteristics of ovarian puncture

The oocyte aspiration process is called ovarian or follicular puncture. It is a simple and painless surgical procedure, as it is performed under sedation. Moreover, the patient can return home the same day as the ovarian puncture, once she has recovered from the anaesthesia.

The specialist is in charge of inserting a needle attached to the ultrasound machine through the vagina until it reaches the ovaries. Each of the follicles is then punctured and the fluid is aspirated. This follicular fluid will be sent to the laboratory where the staff will find the retrieved oocytes.

By (embryologist), (senior clinical embryologist), (embryologist), (senior embryologist), (embryologist), (embryologist), (gynecologist), (embryologist) and (psychologist).
Last Update: 08/28/2023