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Ovoclinic Marbella Support Group

Fertility Support Group
This clinic is part of the Fertility Support Group Program.
Health Center approved by the Spanish Ministry of Health - License number (CNN): 0129005606

Get Answers from Ovoclinic Marbella

Approximately how many injections does ovarian stimulation require?
By Daniel Sosa. Last Update: 08/19/2022

It will depend on the ovarian stimulation protocol to be followed and on the characteristics of each patient. Generally speaking, in a long ovarian stimulation protocol, 27-29 injections will have to be administered.

On the other hand, if a short ovarian stimulation protocol is carried out, the number of injections will be approximately 20-22.

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What can a dark-colored cervical mucus indicate?
By Daniel Sosa. Last Update: 03/10/2022

Cervical mucus is produced by the mucous glands present in the cervix. Because the production of these glands is influenced by ovarian hormones, the characteristics of the mucus will change throughout the ovarian cycle. In addition to the hormonal variations of the cycle, cervical mucus can be an indicator that helps the patient and the gynecologist to know or suspect an abnormality.

Variations in its characteristics, such as odor and color, allow us to suspect colonization by different bacteria. Changes in cervical mucus to a brown, brown or dark color always indicate the presence of blood in small amounts.

When blood is present in the vagina, in small amounts, there is an interaction between the usual germs of this organ and the components of blood, mainly hemoglobin. As time goes by, the intense red color of the blood changes and becomes darker and darker.

The presence of a dark cervical mucus outside the episodes considered physiological should awaken in the woman the concern to consult her gynecologist to assess the need or not to study and the conduct to follow.

What are the symptoms of pregnancy in the first month?
By Daniel Sosa. Last Update: 01/31/2022

Pregnancy is a process of constant physiological changes in a woman's body. These changes are a consequence of the adaptation that the body must make to successfully achieve the growth and development of the intrauterine fetus.

These changes begin shortly after implantation and can manifest themselves even before the positive Beta HCG.

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Can the IUD lead to fertility problems in the future?
By Daniel Sosa. Last Update: 10/25/2019

The intrauterine device (IUD) is a contraceptive method that after removal should not lead to fertility problems. Most studies and clinical practice show this.

There is little chance that the IUD is a risk factor for a low genital infection (infections that develop in the vagina and/or cervix) to ascend into the uterine cavity, the fallopian tubes, and eventually the abdominal cavity. This is why it is so important to carry out periodic check-ups of the IUD and to see a gynecologist if any type of symptom appears that could be related to it.

Can a uterine fibroid be removed by laparoscopy?
By Daniel Sosa. Last Update: 10/23/2019

Yes, in qualified hands, the laparoscopic approach may be used to remove subserosal and intramural uterine fibroids.

However, the fibroids most related to reproductive problems are submucosal fibroids, which are removed by hysteroscopy.

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What's the difference between colposcopy and conization?
By Daniel Sosa. Last Update: 10/15/2019

The two terms are related to cervical pathologies.

Colposcopy is a diagnostic technique that consists of examining the cervix with a microscope after having applied different dyes and stains. In this way it is possible to locate the existence of a specific lesion and biopsy it for an accurate diagnosis.

Conization is a surgical treatment for premalignant lesions diagnosed in the cervix. It is the exeresis or removal of margins of the entire altered area of the cervix, which has been previously diagnosed by colposcopy.

How should I calculate the pregnancy weeks after a frozen embryo transfer?
By Daniel Sosa. Last Update: 10/08/2019

In pregnancies achieved with frozen embryo transfer, your gynecologist will accurately calculate the weeks of pregnancy, which may not coincide with the time elapsed since the date of your last menstruation. In this case, the specialist assigns a date of last theoretical rule.

In this way, if the cryopreservation is carried out on developmental day 5, the day of the transfer would be the 19th day of the cycle (14+5), setting the last menstrual period date 19 days before the transfer. Therefore, the weeks of pregnancy would count from this day.

On the other hand, if the embryos were 3 days old, the day of the transfer would be considered the 17th day of the cycle (14+3).

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How do I calculate the weeks of pregnancy after frozen embryo transfer?
By Daniel Sosa. Last Update: 10/08/2019

In pregnancies achieved with frozen embryo transfer, your gynecologist will accurately calculate the weeks of pregnancy, which may not coincide with the time elapsed since the date of your last menstruation. In this case, the specialist assigns a date of last theoretical menstruation.

In this way, if the freezing is carried out on the 5th day of development, the day of the transfer would be the 19th day of the cycle (14+5), setting the date of the last menstrual period 19 days before the transfer. Therefore, the weeks of pregnancy would count from this day.

On the other hand, if the embryos were 3 days old, the day of the transfer would be considered the 17th day of the cycle (14+3).

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Can IVF be successful in men with teratozoospermia?
By Daniel Sosa. Last Update: 09/23/2019

IVF is successfully used in all types of sperm disorders. In patients with teratozoospermia, sperm selection techniques such as ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) or Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection; PICSI (Physiological Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) or physiological ICSI can be used, in which mature sperm are selected, discarding the immature ones; MACS (Magnetic Activated Cell Sorting), which selects healthy and optimal spermatozoa that have not started the process of apoptosis or programmed cell death.

The sperm that pass this strict selection process are those that have a greater capacity to fertilize the oocyte and generate an embryo of better quality, which can translate into a higher pregnancy rate. In other words, with sperm selection, the in vitro fertilization procedure is optimized, not leaving the selection of the spermatozoon to chance.

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