Certified Medical Magazine by WMA, ACSA, AACI
How to treat low sperm count in men

How to treat low sperm count in men

Sperm concentration is one of the most important parameters when evaluating male fertility with a semen analysis.

A man is considered to have fertility problems due to a lower number of spermatozoa in his ejaculate when the sperm concentration is less than 15 million per milliliter or less than 39 million in the total ejaculate. This seminal alteration is called oligozoospermia.

If the male is diagnosed with mild oligozoospermia, there is a possibility of achieving pregnancy by artificial insemination (AI). On the other hand, if the oligozoospermia is severe or has cryptozoospermia (less than 100,000 sperm per mL), it is best to resort to IVF-ICSI.

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By (reproductive endocrinologist), (embryologist), (embryologist), (embryologist) and (invitra staff).
Last Update: 02/18/2021