Certified Medical Magazine by WMA, ACSA, AACI
Diamond Institute for Infertility and Menopause

Diamond Institute for Infertility and Menopause

2 comments / opinions
    1. Hey there. I have been diagnosed with PCOS. I´m only 23 so I haven´t really thought about having a family yet, but having just received this news I want to know how it affects my options for the future and where I can get treatment. Anyone out there got any ideas?

      • Hi Terrymom

        Women with PCOS do have a greater difficulty in achieving pregnancy, but don´t worry! It is still usually possible. Why not read the following page which will gve you lots of information about the chances of conceiving with PCOS: Conceiving with PCOS.

        For more information on the condition itself you can read the following post: What is PCOS?

        The good news for you is that you are still young! You may want to think about preserving your eggs for later use in case your condition worsens. Our article Fertility Preservation in Young Women may also be of interest to you.

        I hope this is information is useful and wish you the best.