We’re a German couple that is looking for surrogacy options in the U.S. First of all, we’d love to hear how this procedure works, if I need a medical certificate that justifies surrogacy, and possible fertility centers that offer this options. Is it really safe to do surrogacy there? We have heard a lot about the possible legal problems when returning to the country of origin.
06/02/2020 at 8:58 amHi Angelina,
first of all, surrogacy is a fertility treatment by which a woman other than the intended mother carries the pregnancy to term and gives birth to the baby. This treatment is indicated in severe fertility issues or when a pregnancy supposes a risk to the life of the intended mother.
A surrogacy procedure consists of the egg retrieval procedure of the future mother by means of hormonal stimulation and the subsequent follicular puncture. The obtained eggs will then be fertilized in the laboratory with the husband’s sperm. Once the embryo is created, the surrogate will have to undergo embryo transfer hoping for a successful embryo implantation and pregnancy.
If necessary, the surrogacy treatment can be performed with donor gametes should the intended parents not be able to provide their own genetic load.Regarding your question about legal aspects, depending on the U.S. state, you’ll get a pre-birth or post-birth order which certifies your legal parentage to the child. With these documents, it is possible to return to Germany without any legal issues. Read more about surrogacy here: What Is Surrogacy?
Feeling comfortable in a fertility clinic is important. Undergoing a fertility treatment is already exhausting – both physically and emotionally. Therefore, we from inviTRA always recommend visiting at least two or three fertility centers in order to compare each impression of them. Here, you’ll find an overview of fertility centers in the USA: Clinic Directory.
Hope, I could solve your questions,
Best of luck!
06/03/2020 at 10:01 amThank you for your answer. Glad to hear that the legal process is so easy. How much will a surrogacy treatment cost us?
06/10/2020 at 9:14 amHi again!
how much a surrogacy procedure will cost is hard to answer as the cost vary from clinic to clinic, if gamete donation is required, if you need additional services from other professionals such as a surrogacy agency, lawyers, etc. The approximate costs, however, are between $80,000 and $200,000.
Best regards
06/20/2020 at 11:17 am
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