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Should I freeze my eggs at 29?

Should I freeze my eggs at 29?

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">Isabella P.</span>
    Isabella P.

    Hello my dear fellows,

    I’m from the US and I’m marrying in a few months, which makes me really happy 🙂 I’m 29 years old now so you know… I’m not a kid anymore haha The thing is I’d like to have offspring but not now or even in 2 or 3 years, because with my husband I’d like to travel around the world firstly…

    So we thought of resorting to fertility treatments (so common these days luckily!) but we don’t know what do to. We were a bit ignorant about it, but after reading a lot we believe we should resort to donor eggs. But we don’t know if the synchronization between the donor and I requires that I’m not too old or something. Can you give me an answer? Is this method practical for women in my situation?

    Thanks very much 🙂 I look forward to your reply

    10/01/2015 at 5:40 pm
  2. Dear Isabella P.,

    In this process, synchronization between your cycle and the donor’s is required just because it allows ensuring that your uterus will be ready to embrace the donated embryos after the embryo transfer (ET). To sum up, the aim to synchronize the donor’s ovulation days to your ideal endometrial thickness.

    As for age, it is true that it is very important both on quality and quantity terms; nevertheless, its influence on uterine quality is not too important, and therefore there is no special requirements to meet regarding the recipient’s age. However, for example in Spain, ET is not allowed among women older than 50.

    Hope this helps.

    10/01/2015 at 5:47 pm