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Delivery date in IVF pregnancy

Delivery date in IVF pregnancy

In an IVF pregnancy, the day of the ovarian puncture, which would be the 14th day of the theoretical menstrual cycle, can be used as a reference for calculating the probable delivery date (EDD). Thus, the date of the theoretical last menstrual period (LMP) would be 14 days earlier.

Another option (and the appropriate one when it is a frozen embryo transfer) is to take as a reference the day of the embryo transfer. If it is a day 3 embryo, it will correspond to day 17 of the theoretical cycle, while if it is a blastocyst, it will correspond to day 19. Thus, to know the theoretical LMP, it will be sufficient to subtract 17 or 19 days, respectively, from the date of transfer.

Once the FUR is known, 280 days must be added to calculate the PPF.

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By (gynecologist), (gynecologist), (embryologist), (embryologist) and (invitra staff).
Last Update: 08/20/2024