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What Are Normal hCG Hormone Levels during Pregnancy?

Elizabet Henzenn M.D.

 Elizabet Henzenn   M.D.
Member number: 282863242

Educational background

  • Specialisation in Human Reproduction from the Complutense University of Madrid.
  • Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the National University of Cordoba.

Professional experience

  • Gynaecologist specialising in Human Reproduction at Ovoclinic Madrid (Nov 2022-Present)
  • Doctor specialising in Assisted Human Reproduction at IVI Madrid (Oct 2017-Oct 2022)
  • Assisted Human Reproduction Specialist at Amnios In Vitro Project (Dec 2012-Oct 2017)
  • Doctor specialising in Assisted Human Reproduction at Tambre (Aug 2008-Jan 2012)

Scientific community involvement

Henzenn has been involved in several scientific publications:

  • Pilot trial phase II to investigate a higher dose of rekovelle in oocyte donors. Ivirma Madrid , sep 2021 to may 2022 . PI: J.A. García Velasco. Collaborator Elizabet Henzenn
  • Can we avoid the administration of pituitary suppressors during a luteal phase stimulation without affecting the ovarian response? IVI Madrid. A.Requena ; M.Cruz Palomino; Elizabet Henzenn. ESRHE 2020. ESRHE2022. SEF
  • Self-detection of the lh surge in urine after gnrh agonist trigger – how to avoid failure to retrieve oocytes. Garcia-Velasco, Juan; IVI Foundation, Reproductive Endocrinology Cozzolino, Mauro. Matey, Sonia . Alvarez, Abigail. Toribio, Monica. Lopez, Veronica. Perona, Marta . Henzenn, Elizabet . Piro, Manuel . Humaidan, Peter.
  • Participante en ensayo clínico resveratrol como tratamiento preventivo del síndrome de hiperestimulación ovárica. Promotor IVIRMA. Madrid. Investigador principal, Israel Ortega colaboradores. Elizabet Henzenn, Alberto Pacheco, Antoni Duleba. Juan Antonio García Velazco.
  • Transverse pilot study upr. unfolder protein response upr assessment in luteinized granulosa cells as a cause of oocyte maturation arrest in both, insulin resistant and non-insulin resistant patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome.
  • Participant co-investigator en study 28613 in the merck serono s.a “A phase iv prospective multicentre, randomized, open-label trial to assess the efficacy and safety of gonal-f at a dose based on subject baseline characteristics determined according to the consort calculator compared with a standard dose of gonal-f 150 iu per day for ovarian stimulation in women undergoing assisted reproductive technology (art)” 29 august 2008 – 28 january 2010. spain.
  • “Streptococco beta hemolítico grupo b - incidencia, morbimortalidad, resistencia, antimicrobiana”, xxxiv f.a.s.g.o. 2004 – arg. Elizabet Henzenn, Paola Bosco.
  • Criopreservación embrionaria en pacientes con riesgo elevado de hiperestimulación ovárica grave: resultados clínicos. Sego 2011. Autores. Henzenn, Caballero p. otros Sevilla. España.

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Last Update: 04/20/2023