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When to do the biopsy for the EndomeTRIO test?

When to do the biopsy for the EndomeTRIO test?

One of the advantages of EndomeTRIO is that the same endometrial biopsy can be performed with the 3 tests ERA, EMMA and ALICE.

To do this, the endometrial biopsy must be performed on a specific day, as this is one of the requirements of the ERA test. Specifically, this day will be the 5th day of progesterone administration if it is a substituted cycle or the 7th day of hCG administration if it is a natural cycle.

If only the EMMA and ALICE tests are to be done, then the endometrial biopsy can be done on any day of the luteal phase, specifically between days 15 and 25 of the menstrual cycle.

By (gynaecologist), (embryologist), (gynecologist), (embryologist) and (biochemist).
Last Update: 03/10/2020