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Warning signs for OHSS

Warning signs for OHSS

Although ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) is not easy to predict, there are some risk factors. Some of these are discussed below:

  • Increased levels of estradiol: this hormone is produced by the ovarian follicles. When there is an excessive increase in blood estradiol levels and/or in a short period of time it is a warning sign of risk of SHO.
  • Chain-like pattern in ultrasound: characterized by the presence of follicles around the woman's ovary, similar to the beads of a necklace.
  • Previous cases of OHSS: this makes the doctor more alert to any small signs of ovarian hyperstimulation.

In any case, if ovarian hyperstimulation is suspected, the treatment will be cancelled and the embryo transfer will not be performed in the same cycle either.

By (gynecologist), (embryologin), (embryologist), (embryologist), (gynecologist), (gynecologist), (gynecologist), (invitra staff) and (biochemist).
Last Update: 04/16/2020