Home artificial insemination (AI) is not risk-free. It is true that when AI is performed at home, the risks associated with ovarian stimulation are eliminated since the woman is not administered hormonal drugs. However, there are still risks related to the insemination process itself (such as infections or allergies).
In addition, when performing home AI with donor sperm, it is very important to use an approved sperm bank, as well as to be interested in the tests that have been performed on the donors.
On the other hand, problems can also arise due to lack of experience, since home AI can damage the vagina.
Read the full article on: What are the risks or consequences of artificial insemination? ( 75).
By Andrea Rodrigo B.Sc., M.Sc. (embryologist), Blanca Paraíso M.D., Ph.D., M.Sc. (gynecologist), José María Sánchez Jordán M.D. (gynecologist), Silvia Azaña Gutiérrez B.Sc., M.Sc. (embryologist) and Cristina Algarra Goosman B.Sc., M.Sc. (psychologist).
Last Update: 01/17/2022