There are four steps in iCSI IVF:
Before, we used a long protocol (between 30 and 40 days). Now, thanks to advances in assisted reproduction, this stimulation time has been reduced to about 10 days and the number of injections required by women has also been reduced.
Read the full article on: How the ISCI procedure is performed – the treatment step by step ( 85).
By Gorka Barrenetxea Ziarrusta M.D., Ph.D. (gynecologist), Dr. José León Tovar M.D., M.Sc. (gynecologist), José María Sánchez Jordán M.D. (gynecologist), María de Las Heras Martínez B.Sc., M.Sc. (clinical embryologist), Marta Barranquero Gómez B.Sc., M.Sc. (embryologist), Zaira Salvador B.Sc., M.Sc. (embryologist) and Michelle Lorraine Embleton B.Sc. Ph.D. (biochemist).
Last Update: 02/27/2019