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What are the risks of pregnancy by ovodonation?

Carolina González Arboleya M. D.

 Carolina González Arboleya M. D.
Member number: 282875780

Educational background

  • Master in Assisted Reproduction, Technological University TECH (Current)
  • Master in aesthetic, regenerative and anti-aging medicine, Complutense University of Madrid (Current)
  • 7th Ed Laparoscopic surgery in endometriosis, HULP Gynecology service (2021)
  • Training course in Hematological diseases and pregnancy, HULP (January 2020)
  • IV Update Conference on Reproductive Medicine, HULP (2019)
  • Training course on Management of the sterile couple, SEGO (2019)
  • Degree in medicine from the University of Santiago de Compostela (2010-2016)

Professional experience

  • Gynecologist at Ovoclinic Madrid (May 2021-Present)
  • Resident physician Gynecology and Obstetrics at La Paz University Hospital, Madrid (May 2017-May 2021)
  • External rotation in the Human Reproduction Section of the Gynecology Service of the La Fe Hospital in Valencia (Sep 2020)
  • Volunteering in the Obstetric Control Campaign at the Pablo Horstmann Foundation, Meki, Ethiopia (Aug 2018)

Scientific community involvement

The doctor has numerous publications and has participated in several oral communications:

  • Prospective study with intervention: vertical transmission of Chlamydia trachomatis: an unknown problem in our country. Authors: González Arboleya C, Merino San Martín ES, De la Calle Fernández-Miranda M, Bartha Rasero JL, Calvo Rey C, Quiles Melero I. SEGO 2019 Congress Communication, Málaga and accepted as SEGO 2020 Congress Paper, Córdoba
  • Merino San Martín ES, González Arboleya C, Calvo Rey C, Quiles Melero I, De La Calle Fernández-Miranda M, Bartha Rasero JL. Vertical transmission of Chlamydia trachomatis: an unknown problem in our country. Sego National Congress 2019, Malaga
  • Merino San Martín ES, González Arboleya C, Calvo Rey C, Quiles Melero I, De La Calle Fernández-Miranda M, Bartha Rasero JL. Vertical transmission of Chlamydia trachomatis: an unknown problem in our country. Accepted as a communication in the Sego 2020 National Congress, Córdoba
  • Oral communication 67 AEP Burgos Congress 2019: Preliminary study: Is the vertical transmission of Chlamydia trachomatis a problem in our country? Marta Dorado Criado, Celia Fabra Garrido, Carolina González Arboleya, Elena Merino San Martín, Ma Inmaculada Quiles Melero, Cristina Calvo. La Paz University Hospital, Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
  • Letters to the editor: Is the vertical transmission of Chlamydia trachomatis a problem in our country? Is the vertical transmission of Chlamydia trachomatis a problem in Spain? Celia Fabra Garrido, Marta Dorado Criado, Carolina González Arboleya, Cristina Calvo Rey. ScienceDirect: Anales de Pediatría, Volume 92, Issue 2, February 2020, Page 119.
  • Determination of prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis in pregnant women between 15 to 25 years old at Hospital Universitario La Paz, abstract ID 6982 for the 30th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), Paris, April 2020
  • Cuerva, MJ, García-Casarrubios, P, García-Calvo, L, et al.; ITU-R12 Group. Use of intrapartum ultrasound in pregnant women at term with contractions before hospital admission. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2019; 98: 162-166.

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