Sometimes, following a healthy diet, a healthy lifestyle and practising sport can help to improve seminal quality and increase the quantity of sperm in the ejaculate. However, other times, if there is a problem of oligospermia (low sperm concentration) due to factors such as varicocele, cryptorchidism, testicular cyst, etc., it will be necessary to resort to surgery to try to improve sperm production.
Read the full article on: What treatment options exist for oligospermia (low sperm count)? ( 41).
By Elisa Pérez Larrea M.D., M.Sc. (gynecologist), Guillermo Quea Campos M.D. (gynecologist), Zaira Salvador B.Sc., M.Sc. (embryologist), Michelle Lorraine Embleton B.Sc. Ph.D. (biochemist) and Sandra Fernández B.A., M.A. (fertility counselor).
Last Update: 04/04/2024