Certified Medical Magazine by WMA, ACSA, AACI
Beginning of the fertility preservation process

Beginning of the fertility preservation process

When a woman makes the decision to preserve her fertility, she will have to go to an assisted reproduction clinic for information and a series of tests. The gynecologist will first do a complete check-up and will order some hormonal tests to find out the state of her ovarian reserve.

Then, the doctor will indicate an ovarian stimulation protocol that lasts about 10-12 days, during which the woman will have to be administered some hormonal drugs. During the whole process, the woman will have to come to the clinic for several days for the necessary controls of the stimulation.

By (gynecologist), (gynecologist), (senior embryologist), (gynecologist), (embryologist), (gynecologist), (embryologist) and (biochemist).
Last Update: 11/18/2021