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Is it painful to be an egg donor?

Is it painful to be an egg donor?

  1. beckyd

    I’m 18 and considering becoming an egg donor. My motivation is mostly altruistic but I view the money as a helpful bonus too. I think I can brave the injections and procedures but I have two concerns. The first is the implications of OHSS – I don’t know how severe it can be and would like to be prepared for the worst case scenario. My parents also believe that my body hasn’t finished developing yet and this makes me more vulnerable in egg donation, but I don’t know if there’s any truth behind that. I’m kind of impatient and I don’t see any point in waiting until I’m older. Is there any real advantage to waiting a couple years?

    04/08/2018 at 1:03 pm
  2. Dear beckyd,

    Most egg banks and fertility clinics accept candidates who are aged between 21 and 29 years. If you’re 18, depending on the country where you reside, you may be eligible now or would have to wait a few years yet. As for the development of your body, unless you have a disease or condition, you can donate eggs as long as you have regular periods, are healthy and meet other health requirements. In short, whether you can or not become a donor will be determined after being pre-screened.

    As for the risk of OHSS, please check the following topic, where this question has been already discussed: Potential egg donor concerned about OHSS.

    I hope this helps,

    Best wishes

    04/10/2018 at 9:23 am
  3. I’m afraid, I cannot be of much help here, as I’ve never been on the side of the egg donor myself. Though we did use donor eggs for IVF cycles. Got luck quite unexpectedly. Here’s what I’ve shared on another thread. this is an involved and invasive procedure with documented risks and long-term hazards. While sperm donation is relatively risk-free, egg donors must endure the side effects of altered hormone levels and surgery. You’re 18 yrs old only, that’s why I’m not sure your young body will love adding all those hormone medications for no emergency. Please, do think twice before moving further into egg donation.

    01/17/2019 at 9:50 am