Educational background
- Doctorate in Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Preventive Medicine and Public Health from the Autonomous University of Barcelona
- Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Hospital del Mar
- Degree in Medicine and Surgery, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Professional experience
- Gynecologist specialized in Assisted Reproduction in FERTTY Clinic (2017- Present)
- Coordinator of the infertility research group in Barcelona (2014-present)
- Coordinator and lecturer in the Medical Research Project at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2013-present)
- Director of the International Master in Human Reproductive Medicine at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2010-Present)
- Head of the Human Reproduction Section at the Hospital del Mar in Barcelona (2009 )
- Specialist gynecologist at the Hospital del Mar, Barcelona (2000-2009)
- Associate Professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2003)
Honors and awards
Research grants:
- "Effect of the Air polution in Assited Reproduction thecnologies” : Funded InstitutodeSalud Carlos III.Ministry of Health 2013 PI13/00454 25.168 Euros Ending 2018
- GRI-BCN (Bareclona Resarch Infertility Group. Agencia de Gestion de Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (GAUR) (Research and University Agency) 2014. Catalan Ministry 24.000
- GRI-BCN (Bareclona Resarch Infertility Group. Agencia de Gestion de Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (GAUR) (Research and University Agency) 2017. Catalan Ministry 20.00
Scientific community involvement
- Publications in various scientific journals: Human Reproduction, Human Reproduction Update, European Journal of Obstetrics Ginecology and Reproductive Biology, American Journal of Assisted Reproduction, Maturitas y Reproductive Biomedicine Online
- Director of various doctoral theses
- Participation in international conferences
- Participation in various book chapters
Scientific publications from 2015 to 2020:
- Bellver J, Bosch E, Espinós JJ, Fabregues F, Fontes J, García-Velasco J, Llácer J, Requena A, Checa MA; Spanish Infertility SWOT Group (SISG). Second-generation preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy in assisted reproduction: a SWOT analysis. Reprod Biomed Online. 2019 Dec;39(6):905-915.
- Moreno-Sepulveda J, Checa MA. Risk of adverse perinatal outcomes after oocyte donation: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2019 Oct;36(10):2017-2037.
- Spanish Infertility SWOT Group (SISG), Checa MA, Bellver J, Bosch E, Espinós JJ, Fabregues F, Fontes J, García-Velasco J, Requena A. Hysteroscopic septum resection and reproductive medicine: A SWOT analysis. Reprod Biomed Online. 2018 Dec;37(6):709-715.
- Murta M, Machado RC, Zegers-Hochschild F, Checa MA, Sampaio M, Geber S. Endometriosis does not affect live birth rates of patients submitted to assisted reproduction techniques: analysis of the Latin American Network Registry database from 1995 to 2011. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2018 Aug;35(8):1395-1399.
- Vidal M, Vellvé K, González-Comadran M, Robles A, Prat M, Torné M, Carreras R, Checa MA. Perinatal outcomes in children born after fresh or frozen embryo transfer: a Catalan cohort study based on 14,262 newborns. Fertil Steril. 2017 Apr;107(4):940-947.
- Lattes K, Checa MA, Vassena R, Brassesco M, Vernaeve V. There is no evidence that the time from egg retrieval to embryo transfer affects live birth rates in a freeze-all strategy. Hum Reprod. 2017 Feb;32(2):368-374.
- Lafuente R, García-Blàquez N, Jacquemin B, Checa MA. Outdoor air pollution and sperm quality. Fertil Steril. 2016 Sep 15;106(4):880-96.
- Checa Vizcaíno MA, González-Comadran M, Jacquemin B. Outdoor air pollution and human infertility: a systematic review. Fertil Steril. 2016 Sep 15;106(4):897-904.e1.
- Lattes K, Brassesco M, Gomez M, Checa MA. Low-dose growth hormone supplementation increases clinical pregnancy rate in poor responders undergoing in vitro fertilisation. Gynecol Endocrinol. 2015 Jul;31(7):565-8.
- Roque M, Valle M, Sampaio M, Geber S, Checa MA. Ratio of progesterone-to-number of follicles as a prognostic tool for in vitro fertilization cycles. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2015 Jun;32(6):951-7.
Latest articles and collaborations
- What is anembryonic pregnancy? - Detection and treatment
- How Successful Is IVF with ICSI? - Pregnancy & Live Birth Rates
- IVF with egg donation: what are the chances of getting pregnant?
- What differences exist between artificial insemination and IVF?
- Indications for ICSI: when is it necessary?
- Assisted reproduction techniques to combat female infertility
- What Does Assisted Hatching (AHA) Mean in IVF?
- The different grades of oligozoospermia: mild, moderate and severe
- What is long embryo culture and blastocyst grading?
- Malignant uterine polyps: types, symptoms and treatments
- Assisted reproduction for homosexual women: becoming lesbian moms
- Family diversity: what are the new family models?
- Molar pregnancy or hydatidiform mole: types, symptoms and diagnosis
Latest replies to FAQs
- If my first ovodonation was negative, why can the second one be positive?
- How can pregnancy be achieved with severe oligospermia?
- Is the success rate higher in AI or IVF?
- What are the results like for female infertility treatments?
- Does Law 14/2006 on Assisted Human Reproduction Techniques support family diversity?
- What are the requirements for IVF-ICSI?
- Is molar pregnancy the same as anembryonic pregnancy?
- What factors influence the success rate of IVF-ICSI?
- Do uterine polyps affect fertility?
- What options do lesbian couples have for getting pregnant?
- Do I have a high probability of pregnancy with a C-grade blastocyst?
- What methods are used in assisted hatching?
Last Update: 03/26/2020