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IP looking for a surro in Ontario

IP looking for a surro in Ontario

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">amanda ooh</span>
    amanda ooh

    Hello there! I’m an IP looking for a surrogate in Ontario, Canada with embryos all ready. Hopefully this topic is OK! Fyi, I’m on this journey as a single IM… I know it’s hard and quite lonely doing this on my own, but I hope for a miracle out there! My story is kinda complicated as I my partner and I have recently split up after 10 years together. I’ve spent all these years working on my career and taking for granted we’d start a family together, but now he says he doesn’t want to and I’m devastated but I can do it on my own. I wish I have known sooner… Here I’m looking for an angel, if anyone can help me please don’t hesitate to contact xxx

    05/05/2016 at 10:29 pm