Depending on the active principle and its specific mechanism of action, the drugs used to prevent a woman's natural ovulation in an assisted reproduction treatment are divided into 3 groups:
- GnRh agonists
- Decapeptyl, Procrin and Synarel. Decapeptyl and Procrin are given by injection, and Synarel is a nasal inhaler.
- GnRh antagonists
- are Cetrotide and Orgalutran. Both are administered by subcutaneous injections.
Read the full article on: What Medications Are Used for Ovarian Stimulation? ( 83).
By Andrea Rodrigo B.Sc., M.Sc. (embryologist), Elena Izquierdo Trechera M.D., M.Sc. (gynecologist), José Antonio Duque Gallo M.D. Ph.D. (gynecologist), María Arqué M.D., Ph.D. (gynaecologist), Miguel Dolz Arroyo M.D., Ph.D. (gynecologist), Zaira Salvador B.Sc., M.Sc. (embryologist) and Romina Packan (invitra staff).
Last Update: 11/04/2019