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Endometrium and natural cycle

Endometrium and natural cycle

Endometrial preparation in a natural cycle for embryo transfer is recommended for those patients who have regular menstrual cycles. In this case, no exogenous administration of drugs is necessary to prepare the endometrium, but the ovary is capable of producing sufficient estrogen and progesterone for endometrial preparation.

The specialist will carry out periodic ultrasound controls to assess the characteristics of the endometrium. When the endometrium reaches the appropriate thickness and appearance, the embryo transfer will be performed.

The natural cycle entails less emotional stress for the patient, since she does not have to be alert to the administration of the medication. In addition, this method of endometrial preparation requires less financial expenditure.

By (embryologist), (gynecologist), (gynecologist), (gynecologist), (embryologin), (gynecologist), (embryologist), (embryologist), (gynecologist), (embryologist), (embryologist) and (biochemist).
Last Update: 05/21/2020